Lived: numerous hotels across suburbs of Illinois, and South Carolina This year will go down as a season of tornados; that uprooted everything, created chaos, and once again taught me how to pick up and put back the pieces, and to move on. The year started with dewdrops of happiness. My youngest brother in law got married and we visited India for his wedding. Across three weddings in the family, this was the one I enjoyed the most. There was a lightness about everything. From the smallest ceremonies to the wedding itself, the days were filled with happiness. I also took a few days out to visit my nanihal, Allahabad. After Ashu, there will always be an element of sadness in the lives of everyone he left behind, a shadow that will forever mask some aspect of lives barring happiness to completely touch it. While back in Mumbai, I spent time with my two little hurricanes, my nieces. They make me realize how simple it is to be happy, how important it is to care, and there is not...
My Universe, described in everyday happenings.